"Humanoids" are intelligent creatures that resemble human beings or otherwise carry traits often seen in humanity. This page is dedicated to showcasing original humanoid concepts.
Naga | Crown Naga
Crown Naga are called such due to the thick growths that extrude from their heads. Sometimes, however, they are also referred to as Royal Naga.
Crown Naga have notably impeccable eyesight and hearing, and can often sense the presence of other life forms much sooner than they may be detected. Their hands are very powerful with an impressive grip. They thrive both in and out of the
Naga | Feihymn Naga
Feihymn Naga are peaceful beings with a history of developing enchanted armaments and accessories. Their soft voices can echo far underwater.
Feihymn Naga sometimes communicate in songs only heard by certain other Naga species. They are shockingly fast swimmers, and despite the soft texture of their exterior they may not be punctured easily.
These beings have a bright orb insi
Naga | Caanya Naga
Caanya Naga are a rugged, desert species with thick hides.
Caanya Naga are equipped with 4 arms, which do come in handy for their crafting practices and with physical labor. The pouches on their necks collect water, but also contain a small secondary pouch which stores venom, which they can spit at will. Though, spitting venom at others in a civilized setting is strongly frowned
Minotaur | Crotaur
Crotaurs are solitary and very territorial beings equipped with sharp teeth, horns and powerful wings.
They are wary of outsiders, visitors in general and often even have difficulty handling encounters with their own kind. The few societies that exist within the species are very selective and sparse, and often well-hidden or have entrances riddled with barriers.
These beings, des
Eo is a category of humanoid whose members are sometimes referred to as “Slicks”. Eos are defined by their internal process of producing a slimy paste, which either coats their bodies, can be used in defense, can be used offensively or otherwise has a central purpose in the culture, behavior or life of said humanoid.
Eo Diips
Eo Diips are amphibious humanoids with skin coated in a sticky paste. Their movements are rigid, sharp and generally unpredictable. In some places on their body, blobs form that are filled with a potent sub-result of their paste, which when opened release an unpleasant smell as well as a shot of liquid material which, when applied to another species' skin, can cause potentially fatal infe
Ilthehts are natural warriors that value concepts of honor, growth and heroism.
Their back and head fins are practically nonexistent when they're born and young, but develop and become more defined as they age. Approximately 80% of all Ilthehts have the ability to see in the dark, and are otherwise good navigators and explorers.
Ilthehts are fast on their feet, and speedy swimmers.
Warpoids are humanoid species that, most often, do not evolve into their known form. Rather, they begin as an evolved species with human-like intellect.
In some worlds, there are peculiar artifacts of a complex nature grown into their lands. When these artifacts are discovered and used (or misused), a drastic change is seen within the local population. This normally leads to much of the population dying, but those who withstand the agonizing pain of their shifting go on to produce Warpoid children.
Their offspring are cursed with the appearance of their parents, but live without their pain.
Echolein are a Warpoid variant.
Parts of their body exist in a separate space from what’s visible to others. Left behind are distorted or warped beams & expulsions, and segments of heavily hardened flesh generally surrounding these areas. The appearance of Warpoid beams and expulsions can vary.
Echolein hands have a very long range of motion.
Echolein beams & expulsions can take on an array of colors, but are generally within the blue, green and purple ends of the spectrum. Expulsions can have a tendril-like appearance, can be bubbly or stringy. Coming into contact with them does not affect either party.
Felxen Information
Felxen are intelligent but reserved humanoids capable of flight. There are numerous sub-races within the Felxen species that have evolved through different forms of environmental adaption.
Felxen cultures are often spiritual, with respect given to the wilds. They are reserved, wary and don't require much social interaction with others of their species. However, it's rare to see a Felxen without a pet or adopted companion. Felxen are known to be hands-on innovators and inventors. They're crafty and clever. They tend to be well-read, articulate beings. Even without frequent socialization, their communication is notably sophisticated.
The average height for a male is 5'7”, while the average height for a female is 6'3”.
Patches of thick fur accent their skin and thinner furred areas.
Felxen sub-races have developed varied body colors and patterns,
and generally compliment their environmental origin.
Felxen are highly resistant to poisons or disease, and recover quickly.
Their sense of sight is significantly more advanced than their other senses.
Their hair is naturally rugged, but can be fashioned in a variety of ways.
Felxen are omnivores.
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